Thursday, August 1, 2019

File Under: Anxiety About My Priorities

I'm thankful it's Thursday and at the same time not mentally prepared for it to be Friday Eve.  We go on vacation next week and I still have some important things to take care of before we leave.  Super important things.  I know you're dying to know....

I need to get started on our Spotify road trip playlist.

I'm the co-pilot so this is my responsibility.  Actually, I put myself in charge of the playlist because there is no way I can survive an 8 hour road trip listening to Lord B's music or worse yet, talk radio.  Both make me want to open a vein.  The thought of listening to him sing 80s and 90s Hair Metal is literally more than Xanax can handle.  And talk radio?  Fuck. That. Shit.  I hate WBAP.  No.  Just no.

So that's one thing I need to take care of before we leave.  The other?

Our Red Dress Run attire.  Yep - this may be just as important as the road trip playlist.  Each year we go to New Orleans to celebrate our anniversary by sweating our asses off at the Red Dress Run.  It's a most glorious event that takes place in NOLA usually the 2nd Saturday of the month and it involves booze, food and red dresses.  We are good except for shoes.  Lord B has requested a pair of red and white Vans for the occasion.  I'll probably stick with my trusty ASICS so that I can spend all day walking/standing on my feet/dodging vomit from drunk participants, etc and not complaining about my feet.  While fashion is important, I'm coming up on my 46th trip around the sun and my body could give a shit less if my shoes match my red tutu.  For once I'm in complete agreement.

I'm headed back to the 9th Circle of Spice Hell.  Thank you to all of my fabulous customers who keep me busy and somewhat out of trouble :)  I have been in and out of the hospital since the beginning of July so I've been getting caught up so as not to keep anyone from their ridiculously fresh spices!

Marching camp has started at the HS for the JoL&D.  For those of you not in the know, my kid is the nerdiest band nerd in the history of band nerds.  And for that (among other things!) we love her immensely.  She won the outstanding musician award at SFA summer band camp and received an ax as a know, because they're Lumberjacks.  She is also one of only two underclassmen squad leaders for the clarinet section in the marching band.  Most of you reading this blog know P and know how unbelievably proud we are of our bad ass human <3

Spreading my own brand of kindess and joy!

~ The Spice Queen


The Life of An Empty Nester

 I think it's finally hit me that I (we) are empty nesters. I came home today, put the groceries up and sat down with the dogs. I read a...